Searching for a bike, whether for buying or for knowing purpose, could be overwhelming, especially when there are lots of search result pages to go through on a search engine. It can take much time for anyone who wishes to have all possible information in one go. However, bikelee.com claims to make this hunt easy regardless of the type of bike or information required.
May 26, 2022 – Biking is one of the favorite hobbies or sports of countless people. However, getting to know more about bikes online and biking or even choosing the best bike online as per the terrain may not be a favorite task. This is because it takes time and effort to check out different sources, ranging right from reviews to how-to guides.
This search can now be a less time-consuming task on bikelee.com. Launched as a dedicated bikes portal, it is providing reviews, how-to guides, and top bikes blogs, all under one roof. This means one needs not to hunt for these varied details elsewhere on the Internet.
However, the portal seems to provide this information for three types of bikes at present namely, road bikes, gravel bikes, and mountain bikes. The top menu on the home page itself contains links to these three options under the BIKES menu.
Just pointing at any of them displays a sub-menu showing links to how-to guides and best bikes posts. The other useful menus are GEAR, EXPLORE, and REVIEWS.
More interesting seems to be the right side of the home page. It has quick links to RECENT POSTS, RECENT COMMENTS, CATEGORIES, and LATEST BLOG. One can also use the Search box to look for something specific regarding a bike.
According to a spokesperson, “Biking is great for both humans and the planet. We strive to motivate more people toward healthier living and healthier surroundings. Through this website that strives to deliver all possible information on bikes, we believe that we can make this hobby or sport to be mainstream. However, this website is still evolving to include other bikes as well in the near future.”
About Bikelee
Bikelee is an evolving portal dedicated to bikes. It aims at providing diverse information about different types of bikes, such as buying guides, reviews, and useful blog posts. At present, it is giving these details about road bikes, gravel bikes, and mountain bikes.
For more information, kindly visit https://bikelee.com/.
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Company Name: Bike Lee
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Country: United States
Website: https://bikelee.com/
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