The debut of the Chrysler Airflow battery-electric crossover at the Consumer Electronics Show was meant to be the harbinger of Chrysler’s arrival as a 21st-century brand. After four months on the job as brand CEO, former Ford and Honeywell executive Christine Feuell opened up on her vision for the Pentastar […]

Archaeology suggests that human possession of canines as pets could date back to no less than 12,000 years in the past. In Belgium and the Netherlands, the federal government publishes white lists and black lists (called ‘positive’ and ‘negative lists’) with animal species that are designated to be appropriate to […]

Archaeology suggests that human possession of canines as pets could date back to no less than 12,000 years in the past. In Belgium and the Netherlands, the federal government publishes white lists and black lists (called ‘positive’ and ‘negative lists’) with animal species that are designated to be appropriate to […]